About Comunidad Genesis - Casa AVANCE New Home Build

Since 2013 Comunidad Genesis in Alajuelita, Costa Rica has provided love, care, healing and guidance for young girls ages 12-18 that came through the Costa Rican Child Welfare system as wards of the state.  The ministry began as Genesis was approached by the government to receive and give care to 15 at risk girls that state run homes could not handle due to behavioral issues.   Believing in the power of love and a strong faith in God's call to the church top be salt and light in a broken and hurting world, Genesis accepted the challenge and with God's blessings, perseverance, and faithful obedience the church has served hundreds of young vulnerable girls on their journey of transformation.  As minors and wards of the state, the program Genesis stepped in to provide comes to an end when the girls turn 18, the legal age of adults in Costa Rica.   Many girls that entered the program in their early teens need to leave the caring safety of the homes and lack any stable home or family environment to transition into as they continue their journey into adulthood.   This reality has weighed on the hearts of the Genesis leaders and CAM team members and moved them to catalyze this Property development project to provide a next step for the graduating 18 year olds providing a stable, safe home environment for them to continue growing, developing and saving for the realities of independent living as they pursue their careers and higher education goals. 

The turn key home build Genesis will develop costs $43,000.  By supporting Comunidad Genesis' efforts to build Casa Avance on their property, the ministry will save over young women an average of $350 in monthly rental costs, giving them a leg up on their life's projects as they work, study and save for productive adulthood.    Casa Avance will provide a safer, empowering and healthy environment to empower up to 12 young women, up until the point they are able to handle their own independent living costs.   Del Camino Connection has partnered with Comunidad Genesis from early in their beginnings and has seen how this local church truly represents the Kingdom of God as salt and light to the vulnerable and at risk from their community and beyond.   Be a part of this truly inspirational and beautiful community of faith!  Invest in the Kingdom that is present and active in Costa Rica through Comunidad Genesis!