University Chapter Founder/President

University Chapter Founder/President

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Calls meetings to order
  • Decides when and where meetings will be held
  • Leads the meetings, and sets meeting agendas that are aligned with 4 the World’s mission and purpose
  • Calls executive meetings to order when needed
  • In charge of appointing committee chairs for items such as fundraising event chair, t-shirt committee chair, etc. 

Club President’s Checklist

Weekly Duties

  • Keep officers on task and provide assistance for committees to run smoothly.
  • Make sure that each officer is aiding the committee to which he/she is assigned.
  • Keep a file of all correspondence.
  • Respond to any emails regarding the club.
  • Approve new member requests as you receive them on Get Involved.
  • Generate a list of what needs to be done throughout the week.
  • Lead the entire membership in a well-rounded program of activities and projects.

Monthly Duties 

  • Conduct and preside over a regular 4 the World meeting.
  • Create and abide by an agenda for your monthly meeting.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation for your meeting if needed.
  • Arrange and conduct a executive board meeting.
  • Work with the committee chairs on their proposed projects for the coming month.
  • Communicate with the student council and school administration.
  • Make a list of the coming month’s activities and post it so members are aware of the schedule.
  • Organize or participate in inter-club activities.

Annual Duties

  • Work toward a net increase in membership over the previous year.
  • Receive help and information from the past president.
  • Review all 4 the World documents and the constitution.
  • Establish good relations with the main 4 the World organization in Garner and any other partners.
  • Review your membership roster and form committees.
  • Conduct elections for any new executives that are needed.
  • Plan service over the summer so that projects can be started shortly after school begins, if not sooner.
  • Verify each member paid his/her dues.
  • Plan an end-of-year celebration and reward volunteers for all of their hard work!
