Cleaned & Carded Fleece from Donker Farm

The Greater Worcester Land Trust is happy to announce that the wool from our Donker Farm Romney-Finn sheep has been washed and
carded by White Junction Fiber Mill in VT. The fleece is beautiful! It's fluffy, springy, and has a natural sheen.
Perfect to create fiber arts like spinning,
wet felting, bulk knitting, and needle felting. It can be dyed any color you want. All
proceeds help GWLT's mission to preserve and protect open space! 


0 Sold
Estimated Delivery: 2 - 3 weeks
Max Per Order:30

1/2 lb (8 oz)

0 Sold
Estimated Delivery: 2 - 3 weeks
Max Per Order:30

1 lb (16 oz)

1 Sold
Estimated Delivery: 2 - 3 weeks
Max Per Order:30