About Exploring Our Views in Order to Create Connection
Half-day Retreat
Exploring Our Views in Order to Create Connection
Victoria Cary
Saturday, February 13; 12:00 - 3:00pm
Suggested donation: $15-30 registration + teacher donation (we encourage you to consider teacher dana equal or greater than the amount you gavefor registration)*
We will explore Right/Wise View, and how tightly, or unconscious held views can block deeper connections. While practicing together, we will investigate what gets in the way of being open to views different from our own and we will explore how precepts and kindness, and compassion can all support us in holding space for all views, without having to make others wrong. All are welcome, both seasoned and beginning meditators alike.
*In keeping with the Buddhist tradition of dana (generosity), the suggested registration amounts for our classes and retreats (other than Wednesday night dharma talks) do not include any payment for the teacher. The teachers are paid entirely out of the students' generosity. Please consider giving a donation to the teacher in order to support their ability to continue to share the dharma. You may give a donation at the time of registration and give later donations through our teacher dana link. Everyone is welcome to all of our events regardless of ability to donate.
You can give online or send checks to InsightPV, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027.
Victoria Cary has been practicing Insight Meditation and studying the Dharma since 2006. She is Native of the San Francisco Bay Area, and left her workplace of 20 years in 2017 to deepen into her practice. In 2017 She completed the Spirit Rock's Community Dharma Leader program, and went on to become a fully empowered Dharma Teacher. In 2016 she co-founded the San Francisco People of Color Insight Sangha and continues as one of the core teachers. Victoria is particularly interested in the integration of the Mindfulness in everyday life.
Event thumbnail by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash