

About Multiply HOPE - A Peer-To-Peer Fundraiser


Join our networking effort to help support this vital work by becoming a fundraiser today!

The HOPE Pregnancy Center was founded by People for People in 2009 to provide counseling support and services for women, men, and their families facing unexpected pregnancies. The need for pregnancy related services has never been greater and our amazing HOPE Pregnancy Center continues to provide vital services every day!

​We appreciate the gifts of our generous partners that support the community surrounding our center. Your tax-deductible gift will be used to continue to offer the free services our clients receive at the center. If you have any questions about giving to the HOPE Center, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our goal for 2022 is to raise enough to hire a part-time employee to assist in running the center and serving the community more effectively. Covid-19 prevented us from having our 2020 Fundraising Banquet. That is when we began Multiply HOPE, a fundraiser to equip and empower you to help us raise the critical funding that HOPE needs to operate the center. We now have an even more engaging and effective tool to empower you to create your own personalized fundraiser to help the HOPE Pregnancy Center. This is a great way to get the whole family involved and solidify their convictions regarding the sanctity of life. Centers like HOPE are more important than ever. They are the lifeline to mothers not just needing help to have their babies but raising them with caring support and loving help.

Every dollar counts and helps us serve our community, and any contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated. You can exponentially quantify your impact by becoming a fundraiser and reaching out to your friends and family. Will you join us to Multiply HOPE

Find out more about volunteering and supporting HOPE on our Supporter website at: MultiplyHope.Life

What Else Can I Do?

Have fun with it!

  • Hold a fundraising outdoor event - like a BBQ – invite 10 friends and ask them to bring a donation to the HOPE Pregnancy Center. Ask your friends to hold their own BBQ and invite 10 different friends.
  • Post pictures on social media of your BBQ with a link to the fundraiser and the hashtag #MultipyHOPE. We will share them with our supporters to encourage them and motivate others!
  • Join our Facebook Page for Supporters of the HOPE Pregnancy Center
  • Invite others to our Facebook Page
  • Visit our DONATE page on the website to see what items you can collect yourself and from others to donate to HOPE.
  • Make your item collection efforts another kind of event to hold and get friends involved in.