About Building Worker Power Together
We have raised our goal to $3,500 with just a few hours left! Thank you for your support!
Food Chain Workers Alliance knows that by organizing in our workplaces
and communities we can revolutionize our food system to be one in which
our work is valued and respected, where all workers can share in the wealth of their labor, and where we have the power to shape our working conditions and our lives.
This year we saw what happens to exploited workers in a crisis, with no enforceable health & safety standards from the government, no transparency from employers about infections, a lack of collective bargaining power to demand premium pay, and millions of essential undocumented workers excluded from all government income relief.
Our 33-member Alliance collectively represents more than 750,000 workers in the food system in the U.S. and Canada. For over a decade we have brought workers together to build leadership capacity, seed and support campaigns, and advocate for federal and local policies that empower workers.
Here's some of what we've done to respond to the crisis this year:
- Re-granted $250,000 to 19 of our member groups working on COVID response.
- Moved worker leadership trainings online with a new focus on COVID safety.
- Accelerated our policy work to demand enforceable standards from OSHA and regulators at the state level.
- Supported campaigns by poultry workers in Arkansas, apple packing workers in Ontario, street vendors in NYC, and excluded workers all over the U.S.
Starting on Giving Tuesday and going through the end of December, we are using this page to raise $3,000 so we can start strong in 2021! All gifts help us and our members build a better food system that is grounded in the principles of our organizing platform:
We believe in centering the voices and leadership of food workers and food worker communities.
We know that the state of our exploitative food system is rooted in systems of white supremacy, a history of slavery, and colonization. We are guided by the principles of racial justice and organize to dismantle these systems.
We support movements fighting patriarchy, misogyny, gender violence, homophobia and transphobia. We understand that gender justice cannot be achieved without racial and economic justice.
We believe in the right of all people to move freely between borders in search of a better life. We also believe that people have the right to stay and not be driven from their homes by global capitalism and imperialist war and exploitation.
We recognize we must build solidarity across the global food chain and among all workers. We reject employer and government efforts to divide us by race, gender, ethnicity, immigration status and job status.
A dignified life for all workers means time and access to leisure, education, and opportunities to make our lives happier and more meaningful.
We believe in a democratically controlled food system where those who produce, distribute, and consume food have control over the mechanisms of food production and distribution.
We support building alternatives to capitalism including supporting the growth of worker-owned cooperatives