

About Summer Tread-A-Thon®

The purpose of the Summer Tread-A-Thon® is to encourage participants to become advocates for water safety during the summer months with their teams and organizations. 

If you are interested joining the Summer Tread-A-Thon®, email us at tread[at]! 

All contributions assist with all water safety education and drowning prevention programming!

Donation Amount

Donation LevelWhat Your Donation Does!
$25BronzeProvides the delivery of 2,500 individual land-based water safety lessons and stickers to an organization/school/community on International Water Safety Day.
$50SilverProvides the delivery of 5,000 individual land-based water safety lessons, 5,000 stickers to an organization/school/community, & information for each participant on International Water Safety Day.
$100GoldProvides the delivery of 10,000 individual land-based water safety lessons, 10,000 stickers to an organization/school/community, & information for each participant on International Water Safety Day.
$250PlatinumProvides the delivery of 25,000 individual land-based water safety lessons, 25,000 stickers to an organization/school/community, & information for each participant on International Water Safety Day.
$500All-Star Aquatic AdvocateProvides the delivery of 50,000 individual land-based water safety lessons, 50,000 stickers to an organization/school/community, & information for each participant on International Water Safety Day.
$1000Super Star Aquatic AdvocateProvides the delivery of 100,000 individual land-based water safety lessons, 100,000 stickers to an organization/school/community, & information for each participant on International Water Safety Day.