

About Saving The Lives of Those Out of Time

Our largest cost is veterinary care which has recently increased. Vetting (tests, vaccinations, worming, spay/neuter, etc) for a healthy cat with our charity rescue discounts is $300-$350 for a healthy cat or kitten without illness or injury.  As we take injured cats, such as those with broken legs or serious medical conditions, the bills can be in the thousands. One night stay at the local emergency vet hospital is usually over $1,000 and can be several thousand dollars. We often are the ONLY and LAST HOPE for cats who are declined by other organizations and even public shelters. Contrary to popular belief, public shelters do turn down healthy animals, stating they are full. We focus on pulling cats and kittens who are OUT OF TIME at public shelters who are forced to euthanize when they run out of space. We have pulled numerous cats from public shelters with dental issues that would be put down if we didn't help them. We focus on helping those first who are in immediate danger. We focus on those who are refused by all other area organizations, making Beare Garden the last chance for them to continue to live and breathe. All they want is to be healthy and loved. The cruelty, neglect and abuse we see at times in heartbreaking.

BGAR is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to finding forever homes for pets who are seeking a loving family. Beare Garden Animal Rescue is a NC licensed Animal Shelter (LICENSE# 368) with a 100% compliance rate with inspector surveys. Our FEIN is 85-1574125. We help community families by providing food and vet care. ​Beare Garden's mission is to ease the pain, hunger, abuse, as well as to provide shelter and help to find forever homes for the creatures God entrusted to us. By acting as a resource and educating the community about issues pertaining to animals, we feel that we can move toward the prevention of over breeding of animals. We hold a gold transparency rating. We receive no government funds at all.  Your gifts are tax deductible as permitted by IRS regulations.  You will receive an official tax receipt.