CALLING ALL FATHERS • "STEP-IN" FATHERS • MENTORSCOMMIT TO TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE IN YOUR CHILD(REN) EDUCATION“We desire to bequeath two things to Our Children – the first one is roots, the other one is wings.” -Sudanese Proverb-
Fifteen years ago, in 2007, the House Of Umoja became City of Philadelphia’s organizer and leader for the National Million Fathers March. The Million Fathers March is an initiative created in 2004 by the late Philip Jackson, The Black Star Project, that encourages Fathers to take a proactive role in the education of their children. This national movement continues to redefine and reshape Fatherhood in the United States as it is now administered by Fathers Incorporated.
#RealFathersRead and #DadsCount with their Children
RSVP for Press Conference • Register for March
Wednesday, 24 August • 2:00 PM EST
National Mamba Day
Monday, 29 August • 7:00 AM EST
Meet Up: House of Umoja
5625 Master Street, 19131 (215) 473-5893 • email [email protected]
Monday, August 29th at 7:00 AM fathers, father figures, and mentors gather at the House of Umoja at 5625 Master Street (David Fattah Way) to march along with a motorcade of horses, motorcycles, bikes, and cars (for elders who may not be physically able to walk) to Tustin Field across from Overbrook High School to greet students, strategize for the school year, and encourage one another. The march will also be streamed live to at https://www.houseofumoja.net/umoja-tv.html
REGISTER TODAY to receive your free 2022 MFM Kit on 22 Aug 2022* - 5 STEPS TO GET STARTED
kits contain everything you need plus a Free I COME IN PEACE MFM t-shirt for the first 100 attendees
1) Commit to the Million Fathers March Pledge
2) REMEMBER & PROTECT - wear your green ribbon and pin to your children - Remember those youth lost to violence and commit to Protect the ones still here
3) Administer the Imani Peace Pledge to your children and mentees
4) #RealFathersRead Sign-up for the FATHERS LEAD2READ educational and bonding initiative
5) Attend planning meetings (if you chose) on Saturday August 27, 2022.
Meet us in person or virtually on Monday, August 29, 2022.
With the collective skills of the community and collaborators, we feel that we all can help support our children, schools, and neighborhoods. Please join the planning meetings at the House of Umoja on Saturdays from 12noon until 1pm on August 6, 13, 20, and 27th.
This school year 2022/2023 we claim Fatherhood as our first HOOD and theme the year as the Year of Intentional Peace where #RealFathersRead. Fathers, custodial and non-custodial, let’s engage in reading with children no matter their age. Also, we want to push for non-custodial and incarcerated fathers to engage in this exercise of bonding and learning. Register now as a volunteer and commit to the pledge. Even if you can not attend this march, you may still volunteer and commit to be active in your child or another child’s education.
On social media please use hashtags #MillionFathersMarch #FatherhoodIsThe1stHood #RealFathersRead. Additional hashtags #IComeInPeace #IWalkedMyChildToSchool #PhillyMillionFatherMarch #FathersLead2Read
Thank you so much for your consideration and participation. Please, contact Anthony Bannister-Fattah with any questions, comments, or suggestions you may have at [email protected] or call (215) 473-5893.
Asante Sana (Thank You!),
Anthony Bannister-Fattah
Anthony Bannister-Fattah
Queen Mother Falaka Fattah
President & CEO, House of Umoja