

About Sponsor$chip Programs

Sponsoring with Mentor$chip is a Commitment that Generates Unique Augmented Reality Scholar$chip Campaigns Monthly, Quarterly or Semi-Annually for up to 1 YEAR

What you will receive:

  • Branded Augmented Reality (AR) Discovery Token
  • Spotlight feature and acknowledgment on our webpage
  • Company/Organization highlight on our social media channels
  • Continuous Promotion of your newly curated Scholar$chip on our social media channels
  • Name/Brand/Logo placement on Scholar$chip Summary Card with an optional website hyperlink
  • Drive foot traffic to your registered place of business with your Branded AR Geo-Location Token Marker
  • Branded Scholar$chip Summary Card to be included in the printed School Distribution Card Packs (coming soon)

What we do for you:

  • Onboard New Students Seekers to Discover your Scholar$cihp 
  • Advertise your Scholar$chip Campaign directly to Student Seekers
  • Promote your uniquely curated Scholar$chip in underrepresented communities
  • Send you the Matching criteria and Scholar$chip responses of student applicants
  • Disperse funds to the student awardees that you select to receive your Scholar$chip reward

Our app will help you:

  • Easily select your Scholar$chip's Eligibilities, Qualifications, Institution Types, and Enrollment Plans that will match with Students' Seeker Profiles
  • Easily control the number of submissions you'd like to review and the number of awards you would like to grant during each Campaign
  • Easily select the Discovery Criteria, Response Criteria, Award Amounts, and Deadlines for each Scholar$chip Campaign period
  • Easily view each Applicants Profile, Required Response(s), Discovery Details, and Student Statistics
  • Easily Approve and/or Reject Student Submissions with commentary
  • Easily Follow-up and Progress-check your Student Awardees
  • Easily Impact Student Communities and Motivate Success

What you need to do:

  • Select to Pledge a Scholar$chip to fund at least 10 students - ($100 Award per Student = $1,000 Minimum)
  • Select your Scholar$chip Campaign Distribution & Duration - (Location Activation and Campaign Charges  = $5 / Geo-Location  + $5 / Campaign Day)

100% of your Scholar$chip Pledge remains with your contributor account until awarded to designated students seekers.

Pledged Scholar$chips will be reactivated at no cost if not enough students discover your opportunity before your timeframe ends.

All benefits received will automatically expire at the end of your campaign's pledge distribution duration but can be easily renewed.