

About TSTAZ & TST Present Impurity Ball 2022

The Satanic Temple Arizona & The Satanic Temple Present Impurity Ball 2022 featuring a raucous night of music, ritual, and debauchery mocking the gross and weird "Purity Balls" of evangelical origin in what will be a display of bodily autonomy, personal growth, and the joys of sinning with abandon.

TST Arizona's Joan d’Snarc, Katrina Rainsong & Sarah Starling will be strutting their stuff throughout the night alongside the legendary Szandora LaVey in what can only be described as as a fully stacked bill.

DJ's Apollynon & Zander Buel will be spinning throughout the evening, and the night will cap off with Chicago's goth club pop trio Pixel Grip a month before they head out on tour. 

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N95/KN95/surgical mask REQUIRED