About Manna House
Volunteer at the Manna House Spaghetti Dinners!
Volunteers will set up tables outside, serve food to those in need, and help clean up.
Spaghetti Dinners are hosted on the second Tuesday every other month from 4 pm - 7 pm.
Location: First Presbyterian Church of Newton, 54 High St, Newton, NJ
Entrance in back.
Manna House Mission
We feed the homeless, elderly, mentally ill, the lonely, the poor of pocket and the poor in spirit as well as those who fall between the “cracks” for public assistance.
As a place of hospitality, we nourish the body with food, and the spirit with respect and dignity. We are supportive of the struggling, comforting to the lonely, and hospitable to all who come.
We see our mission as a ministry of “Presence.” From our various ecumenical faiths, we reach out to our brothers and sisters who are in need. We respond to that need with compassionate concern. There are “no strings attached” to our ministry. If people come, we feel they have a need to be there...no questions asked.
Always unexpected, people come with arms full, giving, sharing, and reaching out to their neighbors. We feel assured that our community has found a program of local mission in which we can all take an active and effective part.