

About Quantum Speaking Private Coaching

Quantum Speaking Annual Private Coaching

Take the Stage, Take the Audience, and Take the Trophy Home

Laser coaching on Zoom 

Coaching fees are 100% tax-deductible*

Clients can expect to:

1.    Develop a message capable of competition, inspiration, and motivation
2.    Receive direct feedback
3.    Answer opportunities to speak on podcasts, summits, etc.
4.    Be supported in application processes for college, career, and various contingencies

~Clients will meet with Jackie Bailey during their annual coaching subscription for 30 minutes when prior assignments are completed 

~Clients are given a general calendar link to make their appointments

~Clients will focus on three aspects of quantum speaking

  • Take the Stage (confidently speak your message to any market)
  • Take the Audience (connect your story with spectators)
  • Take the Trophy Home (conquer the hearts of all hearers)

Tuition fees are a 100% tax-deductible, non-refundable contribution to The Speak Feed Lead Project and will go toward supporting programs for children in low-income and marginalized communities.

Read what a client has to say:

I am Sharon Jessop from South Africa, and I had the absolute pleasure of being coached by Jackie Bailey in preparation for my recent TEDx talk.


Not only is Jackie an incredible speaking coach but I felt like she was as invested in my talk as I was, and I always looked forward to my sessions with her as she was friendly, supportive, and just simply amazing.


Jackie has an outstanding way with words, and she simply didn’t give up honing and sharpening the talk until we were both completely satisfied with it. I tend to be too long-winded, and Jackie truly helped me extract the core message of my talk and helped me get rid of unnecessary words and fillers that can potentially distract from my message.


Another important lesson I learnt from Jackie is to slow my speaking down and make use of pauses, different tones, and hand gestures to add impact to my overall message. The coaching I received from Jackie will assist me with my speaking career going forward and I will continue implementing and applying all the principles and tips received from Jackie into all my talks. Her coaching was life-changing for me and a game changer in my business.


I will recommend Jackie a speaking coach to anyone wanting to hone their speaking skills as Jackie is an amazing relatable coach who makes you feel good about yourself and your message. I never at any point felt like my talk was not relevant or good enough as Jackie makes you feel and believe that you can conquer the world with her coaching on your side. She is not only an excellent coach but also a good, kind human being and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to connect with her.