About Hearts for the Holidays
Hearts for the Holidays!
Event and Toy Drive
This year, we will grant wishes for thousands of Dallas County’s homeless and low-income children. For some, it may be the first time they have ever received a present. For all, it will be a time that makes them feel special, and one that they will remember.
You can participate by filling wishes for specific children or by buying toys for our undesignated drive
(virtually or to be delivered in-person).
Our goal is 2,000 Presents!
This year funds raised through the sponsorship program will be used to purchase toys and help cover costs of distributing over 10,000 Lbs of food to participants in need as well as fund actives so they are free to the guest who attend.
Our Work and Why it Matters
Since 2015,Helen's Project has been meeting the needs of the poor and homeless through emergency services, rehabilitation, transitional programs and community outreach. Our mission is to provide hope to communities. With a focus on homeless and low income individuals and families. We want to see family stability, health access, and positive community change. Thus, we strive to provide solution focused social support and resources with excellence in quality, service and access.Regardless of their story, Helen's Project is dedicated to eliminating barriers to stability. We are here to work collaboratively through a variation of services to remove barriers to long term stability.This is accomplished through the generous support of our volunteers, community supporters and donors.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Align Your Brand with a Highly Visible, Community-Supported Campaign
- Recognition
in the Agency's newsletter for certain sponsor levels
- Recognition on The Time is now landing page on the Agency’s website for all sponsors
- Recognition on the Agency’s social media outlets for some sponsor levels
- Special media and volunteer opportunities for higher level sponsors
- And more!
- Recognition
in the Agency's newsletter for certain sponsor levels
- Help Feed Thousands of People in Need
- Positively Impact the Homeless Community
- Generate a Groundswell of Philanthropy with Your Employees/Network
Ways you can Help
- Organize your own toy drive (virtual or in-person) : Host an undesignated drive to collect new toys or a Peer to Peer Fundraiser to raise funds for the event and let us do the shopping. Host a virtual Fundraiser using our Amazon Wish List
- Utilize a virtual fundraising page. Receive a customized donation link so that your company or group can participate collectively to an online drive.
- Donate. Make a monetary donation to the Toy Drive.
For any of the above options, please contact X-Zavier Henderson or (214) 809-0014 for more information.