About Help Fund GIFT FEST 2022!
The G.I.F.T: Grow. Inspire. Feed. Teach.
“The G.I.F.T. is a mustard seed.” — Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney
The G.I.F.T. is a budding community center in North Austin, centered around a garden. We’ve been building this project as an effort to create nurturing community space for secular, sacred, and self-defined people since Winter 2021, via volunteerism. With GIFT FEST 2022 we launch numerous, “upward-spiraling” initiatives celebrating human diversity and biodiversity, inspired by the idea of updating our collective identity.
GIFT FEST: A new kind of community event. Join us in the garden.
In this time of media-driven polarizations we should gather and re-identify ourselves collectively through relationship and as members of one great community on Earth. With this realism and care, BioIntegrity's Chris Searles has built an event with its partners at The G.I.F.T. and Episcopal Church of the Resurrection to gather our broader community together to enjoy the outdoors and listen to each other, under the auspices of being "Called to Care", first and foremost, as one great community.
GIFT FEST is not religious, it's entirely inclusive of the bio-regenerative world we share and the points of view of all its inhabitants. Importantly, though, The G.I.F.T. is hosted by North Austin’s Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, and led by Rev. Billy Tweedie, who seeks to grow a culture of care, reconciliation, connection, and wellbeing for all regardless of their identity.
PROGRAM: Saturday, Oct. 29, 8am-8pm
- 8am-10am Garden harvest and planting
- 10am-noon Garden class with Kirby Fry
- noon-2pm Community lunch with music by Austin Ukulele Orchestra
- 2pm-4pm "Called to Care" community conversation
- 4pm-8pm "Pastors Who Rock" live performances
More info: GiftFest.org