

About Women of Unity Circle Group Brief

Become a Circle Leader Today!

✅ Are you a leader, business expert, counselor, or coach?

✅ Do you have a passion to encourage, support, and empower women?

✅ Do you feel underserved and lack a supportive community?

✅ Are you ready to collaborate with other women, and see us all WIN?

Women of Unity is seeking leaders with a heart to collaborate and share their knowledge with other women. Because of that, Women of Unity will launch Women of Unity Circles!

The Women of Unity Circles are groups of women who support each other towards a common goal. Whether it may be health, fitness, ministry, finance, or business, you will have a circle you can join!

And right now, we are looking for LEADERS who are professionals in their fields and would want to help out more women.

We will have a brief introduction about this opportunity on Friday, January 13th and Sunday, January 15th, at 7 PM CST.
Register now to know more about this amazing opportunity! 🤩