
About Sustainability Sweethearts

How do you show love? What does that look like? 

We partnered with our friends at Sea Potential to offer a joint membership between our organizations. You’ll be joining a growing community of environmental justice advocates while directly investing in your community. 

Sign up to be Sustainable Seattle and Sea Potential's sustainability sweethearts in the month of February and enjoy special membership perks including:

($10+) Sea Potential Sticker and Sustainable Seattle "Fabric of sustainability membership pin"

($20+) Sustainable Seattle "Fabric of sustainability membership pin" Poster 

($30+) All the perks plus, Sea Potential Beanie, Embracing the Inner Child Workshop, and a joint coffee or Happy Hour meet-up with S2 and Sea Potential Co-Directors. 

*Bonus* all new members will be entered in a raffle to win a signed copy of Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science

Learn more about  Sea Potential here, or about Sustainable Seattle here.