

About WALKERS PATH Survival Skills Course

CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TODAY and come learn the almost forgotten ways of wilderness living!

During this 6-week course in Northern Minnesota participants will be guided through the foundations of survival. The course will finish with a final exam! YOU will be put to the test on a 1-day camping trip. Will you make it?


Land Nav- learn to read a map and compass along with some primitive ways to navigate in the wilderness

Knife Skills- learn to safely use a knife and create valuable primitive tools to thrive in the wilderness

Shelter- learn both modern and primitive temporary and long-term survival shelters

Fire- learn to make a friction fire using a bow drill along with some modern techniques 

Food and Water- learn various primitive and modern ways to procure food and water

The course is open to students ages 12-18. The training will be both fun and challenging. Students will learn skills that will help them to thrive not only in the woods, but also in the wilderness of life! Participants will hear about The Creator and discover that they are never truly alone. Students will be given assignments, such as reports on local animals based on their personal observation, field guides, and the Bible. 

Required Items

-Good attitude

-Mora Knife (Fixed blade)

-8'x10' tarp

-Reflective/Emergency Blanket 

-Ferro Rod

-Silva Compass

-100' Paracord 


The course is FREE! We do ask that you consider making a donation to Kingdom Outdoors to enable us to continue sharing our passion for the outdoors, The Creator, and His creation with all who are interested! 

Click here to register today! 

For more information contact Darrik Walker at 218-242-3684 or via email at [email protected]


We have a 3 strikes and you're out policy. Anyone being

careless or disrespectful can and will be asked to leave. This is a serious class for young men and women. Considering there

are knives, fire, and other sharp and dangerous situations, instruction will be very rules orientated for the safety of yourself and others.