

About Lexie Fyfe and SLAMmin Promotions

Lexie Fyfe and SLAMmin Productions is proud to be partnering with JAR of Hope in doing their push up campaign to help find a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a progressive muscle wasting disease that does not have a cure. This disease has been around for 200 years and not one child has ever survived. By parting with JAR of Hope we plan to put an end to this disease and save the first child. 

The challenge is easy-

Donate $100.

Then on your social media: do your 10 push ups

challenge 3 more people to do the same

You can do this one time or multiple times to challenge more people.  Make sure to tag Impact Wrestling @lexifyfe @slamminladies and JAR of Hope @jarofhopeorg when you post on your social media.

Sample script to say:
I, (your name), was challenged by Lexie Fafe (or whoever challenged you) to join in the JAR of Hope push up campaign 10 Pushups and donate $100.00 

The Quest: is to spread the word of Duchenne (do-shen) muscular dystrophy (dis-trophy) around the world!  Because the Mission is to find a cure for this pediatric disease that currently DOES NOT HAVE A CURE, (no child has ever survived).


(get down and do 10 pushups)

I now challenge (The names of the 3 people you want to challenge.  Don't forget to tag them!).  Let's make an a SLAMmin Impact and help find a cure!