

About Angelic Kindness 3rd Annual Betting on Kindness

The 3rd annual BETTING ON KINDNESS GALA will be held on Friday, November 10th. Angelic Kindness invites you to celebrate with us and support our mission of spreading kindness.

With our sponsors' support and generosity last year, we are able to hold our 2nd annual "Betting on Kindness Gala" (Western Style). With Covid trends improved, we were able to increase our attendance limits, and proudly we announce that our event grew. Once again, the feedback received was extremely positive, as were our fundraising outcomes. The event successfully raised funds to allow Angelic Kindness to fulfill the FY 2022 objectives of additional acts of kindness to our Senior and Underprivileged community members.

There are some momentous changes for this year's event. 2023's theme is Pajama Party, so start "Dreaming" of Betting on Kindness. We are also moving locations. Due to our growth, a larger venue is needed. This year the gala will be held at the Bolingbrook Golf Club. Of course, the greatest change this year is we will be putting on this event without our beloved friend and board member Gary Hoffman. The rest of us have some pretty big "pockets" to fill, as he was our driving fundraising force. We are going to need you now more than ever to ensure a FUN and FINANCIALLY successful event.

We are continuing with our entertainment style gaming, heavy appetizers, cocktails, and raffles. Look for some new ways to share in the fun of a Pajama Party - Angelic Kindness Style!

This event is attended by Community leaders, business owners, supporters, and guests that make it an evening of great enjoyment, opportunities for partnerships, friendships, and, most importantly, raising the dollars to Sprinkle Simple Acts of Kindness throughout our communities. It is also a way for our sponsors to promote their businesses and demonstrate their support for the community.

The proceeds of this event will go to help us expand our services to our Special Needs and Disadvantaged populations.

Sponsorships are available now. We are DREAMING OF YOU being our sponsor. Won't you take a chance to support us by BETTING ON KINDNESS?