About Rocky's Baby Shower
Please Donate to Rocky's Baby Shower
These funds will help cover
Gifts for Rocky
Teddy Bear (Natural Fibers)
Formula (Similac Alimentum)
Bottles (Madela Premie)
Pacifier (Premie)
Bottle Sanitizer
Baby Wipes
Receiving Blanket
On July 2nd after many hours of pushing Oula gave birth to a baby boy. It was a rough labor as he was positioned sunny side up. The baby wasn’t moving or vocal and we believe that is why she ended up rejecting him. Thankfully staff had been watching and when it became obvious she would not pick him up we retrieved him. His face and tongue were incredibly swollen and bruised but he let out a little sound so we were hopeful.
We began feeding with a very small syringe as it was too hard to suckle with his swollen tongue. By the second day the swelling on his face had gone down, by the third day he could suckle on the bottle and by the end of the week the bruising had diminished. We were initially very concerned as he showed some other signs of health issues, but this little guy seemed like a fighter. So we named him Rocky.
It has only been three and a half weeks but this Rocky seems to be thriving. He’s eating every 3 hours and pooping just as often. He’s very attached to his surrogate bear and is spending more time awake. Last week we started to hear him vocalizing in his sleep this week he started singing along with the other gibbons in the center.
Family is very important to young gibbons which is why we do not intervene unless absolutely necessary. For the first few days after his birth Oula was curious enough to glance from a distance but didn’t seem that interested. Once the baby became more vocal her interest grew she came down to watch him. Now she and her partner will briefly take turns touching the baby and give one another a hug.
It is very encouraging to see the progress but it will be about a year before we can attempt to put him back with his family. Oula is no longer producing milk and gibbons nurse for two to three years. We will begin introducing bites of food at three months but for now he is exclusively on formula. We have already started our third can of formula this month and we are hoping to raise funds to offset some of the expenses by throwing him a baby shower.