
About Robin’s Nest Rescue

Once upon a time… Can you relate to a story that has guided your life? Robin’s Nest represents one of those defining moments for a woman and her family who dreamt of a place of passion and purpose, a place where earth’s creatures — large or small, four legs or two — could find their own path. The 5-acre ranch outside San Diego provides just such a sanctuary to enrich your own story; it  is peaceful but also bustling with activity and animals. In a short time, the family has built a sanctuary for a variety of animals who needed both home and help. From the little low-to-the-ground pot-bellied pigs to the majestic-like alpacas, you’ll soon see it’s all about the animals.


Rescue. Nurture. Rebuild.  Our mission at Robin’s Nest Rescue is to provide sanctuary for neglected or abused animals. Our goal is to  use our growing collection of rescue animals to provide education and advocacy concerning the gravity of animal protection measures and the critical significance of animal-human bonds.  Our vision is to grow and nurture our collection of rescue animals and, through active learning experiences, share with others the positive healing of animal-human bonds.