

About 8th Annual Attack Addiction Gala

Dear Friends and Partners:

2023 marks 10 years since atTAcK addiction was created by the Keister family, and we are thrilled to host our annual gala this year. We hope to come together to continue to help those suffering from the disease of addiction and celebrate those in recovery. Death by drug overdose is at an all-time high and has exceeded death by motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of death in our country. A Delawarean dies of an opioid overdose every 18 hours. We still have a lot to do, but want to take the time to honor significant contributors, recognize the accomplishments in our community, and raise awareness for the disease of addiction.

The funds we have raised over the last nine years go back directly into supporting our community as we continue our mission to atTAcK addiction, and highlighted below are the highlights of some of these initiatives:

  • Passed the “Kristen L. Jackson & John M. Perkins Jr. Law,” the Delaware 911 Good Samaritan Law, and produced related messaging throughout the state.
  • Established coverage for all of Delaware to provide assistance and support to the recovery community.
  • Provide assistance to those needing help getting into recovery residences through our grant program.
  • Passed multiple naloxone Laws for increased access to this life saving medication, and the impact has been more than 2,500 naloxone kit donations given to the community.
  • Provide one on one support and conduct support group meetings for family members with loved ones in active addiction or who have lost a loved one.
  • Created an annual school scholarship program to assist those making a difference in the recovery community.
  • Conduct and participate in speaking and awareness events in schools, organizations, and communities across the state.
  • Conducted youth drug prevention programs, including “The Reality Tour,” reaching hundreds of adolescents and their parents.
  • Sponsor events for young people in recovery, such as movie nights and sponsoring soring a softball team as a recreational outlet.
  • Provide recovery residences to provide men and women a stable living environment across Delaware.

We led the effort in passing the nation’s 1st Opioid Impact Fee Law.

Although we have accomplished so much over the years, there is still so much more to do. We need your support as a sponsor to help us drive change in our community and save lives. The various sponsorship options are attached for your consideration. 

We hope you will be a part of this amazing event!