
About Mental Health Matters in Illinois Schools 2023

It takes a village and we are the village. Let's make mental health literacy available to every school in the state of Illinois.

We are raising $1.2M to make this program free for all Illinois schools. That's $0.48 per student for the year and that includes their family. $100 pays for 104 students to access the program. Every dollar helps many!

We've got to work together to make real change. We invite you to join us to:
  • Help underwrite the cost to deliver the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) a film and evidence-based program with activities that teach how to identify if something is going on and reach out for help. It also teaches resilience, kindness, and social-emotional learning to students, their families, and educators. 
  • Sponsor year-round access to the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) that includes engagement and measuring impact. It is COPPA, CIPA and FERPA compliant. Our schools and underserved communities, all need mental health education and services. 

Thank you for your interest and support. We can do this! 

Warm regards, 

Scilla Andreen 


Team Impactful Fund

Impactful Fund 501c3

EIN 45-2562072