

About CCPD Honor Guard

The Cobb County Police Department Honor Guard goes to Washington, DC every May for Police Week, to honor and remember the fallen officers from the previous year. The Honor Guard normally sends two to four members up every year to pay their respects to the department’s past officers that were lost in the line of duty. Due to the cost involved with lodging, ground transportation, fuel, etc. (events during Police Week are free), we cannot send more to truly honor those that made the ultimate sacrifice. Not to mention comfort the families of the recently fallen, who so often attend the events of Police Week.

While in Washington, DC, the members participate in the candlelight Vigil on the lawn of the Washington Monument. During the Vigil, all the names of the fallen officers for the previous year are read. As a unit, we also sign up to escort family members who do not have any agency representation present that evening to their reserved seats. The unit also participate in the ceremonies on the lawn of the U.S. Capital each year where the President of the United States addresses the crowd. The unit then goes to the National Law Enforcement Memorial, located at Judicial Square, for the wreath presentation.
The unit will visit the Memorial during the week to honor our officers, plus any new officers from Cobb County. Last year (2022), the unit went up to support a family whose member had died in the line of duty in Cobb County in 2021. This year, the unit will to go to honor the two Cobb County Sheriff’s deputies that were ambushed and gunned down in 2022. Because of tight budgets, the funding is not there to send the number of members we need to go. Our presence there means so much to the families that have lost a loved one, even the families that don’t know us. It is part of the healing process for the families and helps the Honor Guard members as well. We appreciate any help that can be provided.