About 14th Annual Rab Wilkinson Memorial Golf Outing
14th Rab Wilkinson Memorial
Strokes for Strikes Golf Outing
in honor of Ray Laursen, Sr.
14th Rab Wilkinson Memorial
Strokes for Strikes Golf Outing
in honor of Ray Laursen, Sr.
Friday May 17, 2024 | 7:00am
La Tourette Golf Course
La Tourette Golf Course
Join us for a day of fun while supporting our youth scholarship fund and youth educational initiatives for Staten Island's youth.
The day includes:
Contests and Prizes!
The day includes:
- 18 Holes of Golf w/ Power Cart
- Continental Breakfast
- Lunch at the Turn
- On-Course Refreshments
- Deluxe BBQ & Awards Ceremony
- Awards, Games, Gifts, and Prizes
Contests and Prizes!
- Contests & Prizes for Men & Women: Longest Drive, Most Accurate Drive, Closest to the Pin
- Best Foursome | Most Honest Foursome | Fastest Hole
- $10,000 Cash Hole-in-One Contest
- Award for Best Dressed Foursome
$185.00 per golfer
Presented by
Rab's Country Lanes | Country Pro Shop & Awards Center
Rab's Country Lanes | Country Pro Shop & Awards Center