

About Macomb County Winter Shelter

​Providing unsheltered individuals who are experiencing homelessness in the winter months a safe, loving, warm place to spend the night.

Shelter Support Staff:

We are searching for individuals who need part-time employment and/or a second job for our winter shelter season starting December 29th. Hours are available on the afternoon shift from 6 pm - 11 pm or midnights from 11 pm - 7 am. The midnight shift will be at a premium rate of pay. The number of shifts per week is negotiable. Shelter Support Staff will be working side by side with church volunteers and/or professional security guards. Responsibilities include ensuring the delivery of all supports and services to our guests, monitoring guests during sleeping hours, and intake, maintaining shelter cleanliness, and responding to emergencies. Click here to review the job descriptions and to apply.   

Shelter  Location

Trinity Lutheran Church Warren, ​​8150 Chapp Ave, Warren, MI 48089

Core Policies
  • Guests are to be treated with dignity, respect, and love at all times. Even during difficult times.
  • The program is for adults only. No one under 18 years of age.
  • Guests will be presented with guest rules. Guests will be discharged from the shelter for violation of these rules.
  • No refusal policy, with the exception of individuals involuntarily exited during this season from the program, non-ambulatory, and/or dependent on others for their medical needs.
  • Entering the program does not require identification.
  • We shall not discriminate against anyone seeking assistance.

In-Kind Donations:

Click here to visit our Amazon Wishlist