About Support a Collective Vision for Farmworker Justice
February 15 update: thanks to a generous grant, we have lowered this goal from $10,000 to $4,000!
Thank you for helping us get there!
Make a donation to the Food Chain Workers Alliance general fund
today to support
travel, accommodations, communications, interpretation & coordination for this critical convening
People's Tribunal on the Struggles of Farmworkers in North America
The People's Forum | New York City | March 29-31, 2024
Farmworkers from the U.S. and Canada are coming together for a bi-national people's tribunal! In this participatory process, workers from FCWA member groups will testify about the conditions they face on the job and their vision of the rights and protections they deserve. Testimonies will be recorded and compiled into a report that will lay out an alternate vision and narrative of farmworker justice, and guide our collective organizing going forward.
Organized by 10 worker-led FCWA member groups:
Alianza Agrícola (NY)
Community to Community Development (WA)
Migrant Justice (VT)
Familias Unidas por la Justicia (WA)
Farmworker Association of Florida
Justicia for Migrant Workers (Ontario)
Pioneer Valley Workers Center (MA)
Workers' Center of Central New York
And 2 ally FCWA member groups:
California Institute for Rural Studies
Worker Justice Center of New York
Go to foodchainworkers.org/peoples-tribunal to learn more.
What is a People's Tribunal?
People’s tribunals are forums of justice set up by communities and groups to bring attention to the truths that our judicial and political forums either cannot or choose not to engage. There is a long history of people’s tribunals used by movements across the world to expose systems of oppression while building accountability.
Although People’s Tribunals have no legal authority beyond the integrity and respect generated from the process and participants, they are set up to shed light and amplify human rights violations and a vision for addressing those violations.