

About Murdock Community Pickleball Tournament

Check-in and warm-up 30 min prior to start time

WOMEN’s start time 8:00 AM / MEN start time 10:30 AM / MIXED start 1:00 PM

3.0 and 3.5 level only

Events: Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles (All Ages)

Entry Deadline: Entries must be received by April 12, 2024.

Entry Fees: Entry Fees are $50 per person, per event. Includes 1 raffle ticket and welcome bag.

Fees are non-refundable. Both team members must submit fee prior to being scheduled to play.

Proceeds are for Murdock Community. Website:

Format of Play: Round robin bracket play. Games to 11, win by 1. The top 3 teams by number of wins in each bracket will medal. Ties will be broken by total points accrued in tournament. USAPA rules will be followed. Players will call their own games and scores, unless disagreements cannot be resolved. Clarifications and decisions rest with the tournament director.