

About Shoot For Heroes


Healing on the Hunt?
The Wounded Heroes Hunting Camp is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping wounded combat veterans heal. We accomplish our mission by getting our Wounded Heroes outdoors hunting and fishing; thereby challenging, empowering, and enabling them to do the things they love to do. 

A Service for Our Military Service Members
Offering our wounded veterans the opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy a hunting or fishing trip with all expenses paid, our group focuses on uniting fellow Wounded Heroes on our outdoor adventures. On our trips, our Heroes create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. The Wounded Heroes Hunting Camp is here for our Heroes, and we hope that you share in our passion and commitment to do what we can for the men and women who have sacrificed to protect our freedoms.

We believe that healing beings on the hunt!

Shoot for Heroes
Event Concept

The Wounded Heroes Hunting Camp is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Shoot for Heroes sporting clay shoot fundraising event, held Wednesday, October 16th at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort. The Shoot for Heroes presents a one of a kind experience as attendees participate in a sporting clay shoot with Heroes that served in the United States Military forces and were wounded in combat. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019:
  • 10 a.m. Registration, breakfast and warm up 
  • 11 a.m.Shoot for Heroes Tournament begins (shotgun start)
  • Lunch, prizes, and awards at the completion of the shoot