About KSTR Corporate Social Responsibility Partnerships
Whether you're a Big Corporation or a Small Start-Up, your company can help save the rainforest and the animals who live there...
Learn how by partnering with Kids Saving the Rainforest.
There are many ways to get involved. You can donate a percentage of your sales, set up a recurring donation, or tie helping KSTR into your social media campaign. To be featured on our website, you just need 1 donation or total donations of $200. Once you have completed that amount we will put your logo on our partner's page.
Join us as a business partner now and you'll get:
- An awesome sustainability story for your business
- Access to our marketing assets and photos- Certificate with your Company's Name- Your company logo on our Partners Page (once you hit your first donation milestone)
We hope you will join us in helping the environment and wildlife! Together we can do MORE!
More Info About Our Projects You can Support!
Here are some of our projects you could dedicate your support towards:
-Tree Planting
For just a few dollars, you can help us plant trees. We have planted thousands of trees worldwide, and 10,000 recently in Costa Rica. We currently have 5000 trees that need sponsorship to plant. If 1 sponsor 'adopted' the whole lot, they would be only $1 each!
This of course helps the animals also, to replace some of their destroyed habitat, and also helps the climate and environment in general.
-Wildlife Bridges
One of the first projects started by Kids Saving the Rainforest many year ago, was to install and maintain rope bridges for the animals to use. This helps them cross over roadways where the forest connection was destroyed, and gives them safer alternatives to choose around uninsulated electrical power lines. This is one of the biggest, preventable tragedies we see, and affects so many different species, so wildlife bridges are a huge way you can help many animals.
-Sponsor a Sloth
One of the most common animal we receive orphaned or injured throughout the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is sloths. Often they need specialized milk formula, and various medications. You can contribute to their dietary needs and overall care.
We also have a release program with GPS tracking that requires a lot of resources to make sure that these animals can successfully get back out into the wild!
-Sponsor a Monkey
("Titi" squirrel monkeys & Spider monkeys are endangered in Costa Rica, but you can also help Whiteface Capuchins or Howlers)
All the monkeys we receive require a lot of care. Often there have been issues with electrocution, car strikes or dog attacks, due to human encroachment on their habitat. Sometimes they need very extensive treatment and rehabilitation to get them back out into the wild. They are also vulnerable victims of the pet trade, and they often get turned in when they get older (or confiscated because it is illegal in this country). Most monkeys need a rich & varied diet with lots of protein and variety, so even our unreleasable sanctuary primates need a lot of help and care. We also have the first and only rehab program for former pets & hand-raised orphaned titi monkeys to build wild troops together and get released in the area.
-Sponsor a Bird
(Scarlet Macaws & some Parrots are endangered in the area, but you can also help a Toucan, songbird, or Owl, or other birds)
There are a lot of birds that come in from the pet trade, or domestic animal attacks...as well as baby birds whose nest got chopped from a tree, or they were brought in with good intentions when found on the ground, when really the parents were probably nearby and they were just starting to learn to fly. These guys all require specialized diets, enrichement and a lot of care.
-Sponsor any other Mammal
(Tamandua Anteaters, Kinkajous, Coatis, Porcupines, or even badgers, agoutis, armadillos - you name it!)
We get all kind of species that need help, and if you have a favorite, just let us know!
*If you would like to help animals have a better life staying in our sanctuary because they can't survive in the wild, we can do that, or you can help us to give the best rehabilitation possible for those that still have a chance to survive in the wild.
-Education/ Outreach
We also have a focus on Education/Outreach, as we have published a few books and always try to create more materials that can be used in schools and for public awareness, so help is always needed to minimize those costs. We have done some Skype calls and visited local organizations and schools to give talks as well.
We are currently participating in a Costa Rica-wide campaign for #SayNoToSlothSelfies to help promote more ethical tourism that does not interfere with wildlife - and back in our early days started a widely publicized campaign for "11 Reasons Not to Feed the Monkeys".
Of course our Wildlife Sanctuary Tours are the main thing we do to increase awareness of our work and the amazing species that live here.
*This now includes our Virtual Tour available online - and we are working on setting up zoom accessible Live Tours!
-Volunteer Onsite & Offsite
We happily accept people coming into our volunteer program, whether it is just for a day to help with simple feeding, maintenance & enrichment tasks, or to stay for a week or more helping in the sanctuary. For a more intensive experience, even with credit towards your schooling, you can choose an internship of 3 months or more. This can be focused in an area like the Wildlife Vet Clinic, Wildlife Nursery, Sanctuary or even specialized Rehabilitation projects like behavioural observations or tracking programs.
Offsite (and onsite) possibilities can also include helping with Education/Outreach or Marketing & Social Media.
You can check our specialized campaign links for volunteering.
Examples of Donation levels:
-helps feed orphaned wildlife formula for a week
-plants 1 tree
-feeds a bird for 1 week
-gives medications and bandaging to an animal for 2 days
-feeds a mammal for about 1 week
-feeds a baby formula for about 1 month
-gives medications and bandaging to an animal for about 1 month
-feeds a mammal for about 1 month
-repairs or maintains a Wildlife Bridge
-prepares a juvenile animal without complications (or tracking) for release
-plants 20 trees
-gives medications/bandaging & rehab to an injured animal (without severe complications) until release
-provides an X-Ray and bloodwork
-approximately covers installation of a new Wildlife Bridge
-prepares a baby/juvenile animal (with minor complications or medium-length), stay for release
-installs and provides yearly maintenance for a wildlife bridge
-provides treatments/bandaging & rehab to an injured animal (with more severe complications)
-provides specialized testing out of town
-plants 500 trees
-improves and maintains an enclosure
-plants 1000 trees
-builds a small rehab enclosure
-helps us begin building a new Wildlife Nursery, relocated closer to our Vet Clinic (end cost: $20,000)
-helps us towards purchasing an x-ray machine, which also requires an additional specialized room built on the Vet Clinic (end cost: $30,000)
Kids Saving the Rainforest is a 501(c)3 non-profit based in California. It was formed in 1999 in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, when two 9 years old girls saw the rainforest disappearing from their beloved home and the negative impact it had on the animals.
They were kids inspired to save the precious rainforest and its animals and voilá, our name became
Kids Saving the Rainforest!
Today, KSTR continues to grow and expand seeking the help of concerned people in order to sustain the operation of our enormously successful Reforestation & Education programs, Wildlife Bridges, Sanctuary, Wildlife Rescue Center & Rehab program, along with a full Vet Clinic.
- Access to our marketing assets and photos
Here are some of our projects you could dedicate your support towards:
-Tree Planting
For just a few dollars, you can help us plant trees. We have planted thousands of trees worldwide, and 10,000 recently in Costa Rica. We currently have 5000 trees that need sponsorship to plant. If 1 sponsor 'adopted' the whole lot, they would be only $1 each!
This of course helps the animals also, to replace some of their destroyed habitat, and also helps the climate and environment in general.
-Wildlife Bridges
One of the first projects started by Kids Saving the Rainforest many year ago, was to install and maintain rope bridges for the animals to use. This helps them cross over roadways where the forest connection was destroyed, and gives them safer alternatives to choose around uninsulated electrical power lines. This is one of the biggest, preventable tragedies we see, and affects so many different species, so wildlife bridges are a huge way you can help many animals.
-Sponsor a Sloth
One of the most common animal we receive orphaned or injured throughout the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is sloths. Often they need specialized milk formula, and various medications. You can contribute to their dietary needs and overall care.
We also have a release program with GPS tracking that requires a lot of resources to make sure that these animals can successfully get back out into the wild!
-Sponsor a Monkey
("Titi" squirrel monkeys & Spider monkeys are endangered in Costa Rica, but you can also help Whiteface Capuchins or Howlers)
All the monkeys we receive require a lot of care. Often there have been issues with electrocution, car strikes or dog attacks, due to human encroachment on their habitat. Sometimes they need very extensive treatment and rehabilitation to get them back out into the wild. They are also vulnerable victims of the pet trade, and they often get turned in when they get older (or confiscated because it is illegal in this country). Most monkeys need a rich & varied diet with lots of protein and variety, so even our unreleasable sanctuary primates need a lot of help and care. We also have the first and only rehab program for former pets & hand-raised orphaned titi monkeys to build wild troops together and get released in the area.
-Sponsor a Bird
(Scarlet Macaws & some Parrots are endangered in the area, but you can also help a Toucan, songbird, or Owl, or other birds)
There are a lot of birds that come in from the pet trade, or domestic animal attacks...as well as baby birds whose nest got chopped from a tree, or they were brought in with good intentions when found on the ground, when really the parents were probably nearby and they were just starting to learn to fly. These guys all require specialized diets, enrichement and a lot of care.
-Sponsor any other Mammal
(Tamandua Anteaters, Kinkajous, Coatis, Porcupines, or even badgers, agoutis, armadillos - you name it!)
We get all kind of species that need help, and if you have a favorite, just let us know!
*If you would like to help animals have a better life staying in our sanctuary because they can't survive in the wild, we can do that, or you can help us to give the best rehabilitation possible for those that still have a chance to survive in the wild.
-Education/ Outreach
We also have a focus on Education/Outreach, as we have published a few books and always try to create more materials that can be used in schools and for public awareness, so help is always needed to minimize those costs. We have done some Skype calls and visited local organizations and schools to give talks as well.
We are currently participating in a Costa Rica-wide campaign for #SayNoToSlothSelfies to help promote more ethical tourism that does not interfere with wildlife - and back in our early days started a widely publicized campaign for "11 Reasons Not to Feed the Monkeys".
Of course our Wildlife Sanctuary Tours are the main thing we do to increase awareness of our work and the amazing species that live here.
*This now includes our Virtual Tour available online - and we are working on setting up zoom accessible Live Tours!
-Volunteer Onsite & Offsite
We happily accept people coming into our volunteer program, whether it is just for a day to help with simple feeding, maintenance & enrichment tasks, or to stay for a week or more helping in the sanctuary. For a more intensive experience, even with credit towards your schooling, you can choose an internship of 3 months or more. This can be focused in an area like the Wildlife Vet Clinic, Wildlife Nursery, Sanctuary or even specialized Rehabilitation projects like behavioural observations or tracking programs.
Offsite (and onsite) possibilities can also include helping with Education/Outreach or Marketing & Social Media.
You can check our specialized campaign links for volunteering.
Examples of Donation levels:
-helps feed orphaned wildlife formula for a week
-plants 1 tree
-feeds a bird for 1 week
-gives medications and bandaging to an animal for 2 days
-feeds a mammal for about 1 week
-feeds a baby formula for about 1 month
-gives medications and bandaging to an animal for about 1 month
-feeds a mammal for about 1 month
-repairs or maintains a Wildlife Bridge
-prepares a juvenile animal without complications (or tracking) for release
-plants 20 trees
-gives medications/bandaging & rehab to an injured animal (without severe complications) until release
-provides an X-Ray and bloodwork
-approximately covers installation of a new Wildlife Bridge
-prepares a baby/juvenile animal (with minor complications or medium-length), stay for release
-installs and provides yearly maintenance for a wildlife bridge
-provides treatments/bandaging & rehab to an injured animal (with more severe complications)
-provides specialized testing out of town
-plants 500 trees
-improves and maintains an enclosure
-plants 1000 trees
-builds a small rehab enclosure
-helps us begin building a new Wildlife Nursery, relocated closer to our Vet Clinic (end cost: $20,000)
-helps us towards purchasing an x-ray machine, which also requires an additional specialized room built on the Vet Clinic (end cost: $30,000)
Kids Saving the Rainforest is a 501(c)3 non-profit based in California. It was formed in 1999 in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, when two 9 years old girls saw the rainforest disappearing from their beloved home and the negative impact it had on the animals.
They were kids inspired to save the precious rainforest and its animals and voilá, our name became
Kids Saving the Rainforest!
Today, KSTR continues to grow and expand seeking the help of concerned people in order to sustain the operation of our enormously successful Reforestation & Education programs, Wildlife Bridges, Sanctuary, Wildlife Rescue Center & Rehab program, along with a full Vet Clinic.