About Rodrigues Blanc Ramex
Age: 7 years
Rodrigues is a very active boy that loves to be in the mix all the time. He likes to figure things out and enjoys going to school. He is always ready to play hard. He is very smart and does well in school.
Birthday: May 26, 2014
Rodrigues is a child at our Children's Home. We are needing to raise $50 per month to cover all his needs. Would you please partner with us to ensure his needs are met?
Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring monthly at one of the levels listed below?
The levels highlighted in Green have already been met.
- $12.50 per month - Partial School Sponsorship
- $25.0 per month - Full School Sponsorship
- $50.00 per month - Full Sponsorship to cover his needs living at our OFHM Children's Home.
- $75.00 per month - Full Sponsorship to cover his living needs and Full School Sponsorship.
or you can make any one time or recurring donation of any amount you are led to contribute.
Thank you for considering sponsoring Rodrigues!