

About The Freedom Wall

We understand all the headlines about walls and anti-immigration policies can make any of us sad, frustrated and even angry. But by far the worst thing to feel is hopelessness. That's why The LGBT Asylum Project is proud to launch "The Freedom Wall," a new fundraising campaign that offers a beautiful and inspiring way that you can make a difference in protecting LGBTQ+ immigrants today!

"The Freedom Wall" will be a bold new mural that will recognize our next 100+ donors who offer a leadership contribution of $1,000 or more during this time of urgent need for immigrants. In honor of your support, we'll include your painted name on this beautiful new mural in our headquarters to counter the hideous wall at our border. And as "The Freedom Wall" is completed—full of color, life, and inspiration—our donors' names will be a daily reminder to our staff, volunteers and immigrant clients that there's a community of supporters helping them during even the most complicated and uncertain times. 

So, please, join us in shouting back, "No more evil walls!" by supporting our clients and leaving your name on the right side of history. Make your gift of $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000 today. We hope that your name on "The Freedom Wall" shows our deep appreciation for your stretch to support LGBTQ+ immigrants...and we promise it will make a HUGE difference. 

And keep in mind that your donation may be paid in monthly installments that are automatically deducted from your bank account. A $1,000 donation is only $83/month and can be arranged by emailing [email protected]. We also recognize the significance of donors at all levels and welcome recognition of every donor from $1 and up on our virtual donor wall at 

Thank you—always—for your support! We hope that you'll join history by adding your name to "The Freedom Wall" today.