About Support Us
Tech+Equation, Inc. is a veteran-founded 501 (c)(3) corporation focusing on
workforce development, a key component of economic development. As our support and aim manifest we will
include specific support for veterans.
Our mission is to accelerate career-readiness for learners by
project-based learning and mentoring. We
will teach participating learners, including students K-12, college
students, undergraduates, graduate students, and graduates in partnering
communities, the practical skills and knowledge necessary to successfully
integrate into the current economy. The
anticipation is that our learners will be at least a part of the future
economy, if not trailblazers of it. With
mentoring we will foster and grow learners to
We recognize that there is value in accelerating communities to
job-readiness at all-levels of the workforce.
What if you had the right experience to make the right
career choices?
We are deploying a mega project. Aim: Disrupting the digital divide &metaversal Reboot in the real-world with a bottom-up approach, the "node project." We have 4 conceptual points now. The goal is to hit 1 million points in under 3 years. Below, there is a working model of support designed to shrink the technology gap at the interface of humans and natural systems and thereby maintaining public safety and protection of civil liberties.
The working
theme of development is designed to shrink the technology gap where human and
natural systems interface to maintain public safety and protection of civil
liberties while growing a resilient and sustainable economy.