

About Help Mission K9 Rescue

Feed the Dogs -

The Corona Virus outbreak could possibly affect Mission K9 Rescue and we are trying to help them prepare.

Our partners at Mission K9 Rescue currently goes through 40# of dog food a day for the dogs in their care.

They are worried that we could possibly run out if our shipment is delayed or donations stop due to the economy.

Here is the link to the food we currently feed our retirees and they really do amazing on it.

The shipping address for the ranch is as follows:

Mission K9 Rescue
18935 Veterans Road
Magnolia, TX 77355

Mission K9 Rescue has also been impacted by precautions taken against the COVID-19 spread. Travel restrictions have forced delays in scheduled transports, resulting in our Veteran K9 Ranch being over capacity.

For health reasons, we cannot board excess dogs and will need to place around 12 into known, quality boarding facilities. This curbs the spread of kennel related disease and provides more time for stimulation and playtime for each dog

We did not anticipate this as our transports are scheduled well in advance. This places an immense financial burden on us at a time when many supporters are without work. We do receive discounts, however the cost is still around $25 per dog per day. It is not possible to place most of the dogs into foster care.

For those of you not impacted by this interruption, would you please donate as you are able?

A donation of ANY AMOUNT is greatly appreciated and needed now!

Total expense for boarding these dogs will approach $10,000 per month. We hope the need is very short term.

The dogs are our first priority and we can't thank you enough for supporting Mission K9 Rescue!

We have over 50 retired working dogs in our care. There is always a need for vet care, vaccines, and of course, food.

Your support is priceless - we're so thankful!