About June Webinars (6, 13, 20, 27)
June 6 Storytelling to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening with MinJin Kim Ph.D., R.N.
Dr. Minjin Kim will present the cultural and generational barriers to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Korean and Korean American college women and how storytelling aids in promoting HPV vaccination. Further, she discusses the importance of developing cross-cultural, cross-generational storytelling interventions to promote HPV vaccination among people of Asian descent.
June 13 Asians with Diabetes During Covid-19 with Ka Hei Karen, AADI
People with diabetes are severely affected by COVID-19, 30-40% of the hospitalized people with COVID-19 infection have diabetes. This increased risk is even higher if you have high blood pressure and are overweight, as reported both in China, Europe and US. It is crucial for you to take extra efforts for diabetes management in order avoid contracting the infection and for your body to fight the infection if you are exposed by taking some steps, including eating well. Joslin Diabetes Center's Asian American Diabetes Initiative (AADI) and the Asian Clinic have put together resources and created FAQs on self carethat are relevant to Asian communities. Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), Ka Hei Karen, will go over the summary of these resources and discuss what we can eat to stay healthy during this challenging time.
June 20 Asian Women Coming Together Panelists and Moderator at bottom of section
They will also be talking about ally-ship and solidarity. Covid has exposed deep seated anti-Asian racism and has affected many, if not all, of Asians in the US and around the world. In addition, this is a time where anti-racism has taken the stage. Join us to view our anti-Racism PSA and hear perspectives from different women leaders of Asian groups. This group of panelists will talk about the impact Covid has had on their personal lives and the organizations they run.
Co-Founder of BosFilipinos
Founder of TrishofAllTrades
June 27 Reclaiming Your Narrative with Elizabeth (Ellie) Nguyen
Growing up in an Asian household, a lot of behaviors are passed as traditional or cultural norms but can wreak havoc on our mental health. In this webinar, we will explore how some of these common "traditions" or teachings have shaped our narrative to make us believe false things about ourselves- such as "I am not good enough", "I am unworthy of good things", etc. In identifying and deconstructing these beliefs we may have about ourselves due to our upbringing, we can reclaim our narratives, affirm ourselves with care, and strengthen our own inner voices.