

BTV Local & Indigenous Fund

The fund was originally launched in 2020, under the name Magic Mann Global Indigenous Fund  to promote a culture in the Vermont Cannabis Industry that acknowledges the disproportionate suffering of Indigenous people caused by cannabis prohibition and gives back to Vermonters in need. In 2024, the fund was re-christened the BTV Local & Indigenous Fund, to represent not only Magic Mann’s support of Indigenous People but also to call attention to their desire to support the local community. The Fund’s new name aligns and memorializes the inception of Magic Mann, originally known as BTV LOCAL 420, of having a goal of not only creating a cannabis business, but a company that makes ‘giving back’ part of its mission.

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Recent Activity

Name Haute and Heady
Activity Type Donation
Amount $241.00
Date 12/13/24
Name Mary Laidlaw
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $250.00
Date 12/03/24
Name Nancy Baker
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 10/28/24
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $1,878.00
Date 06/24/24
Name John Scherer
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 05/25/24
Message I love MagicMann and it's staff!

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