


Since December 2020, our group of dedicated members and volunteers have processed, packed, and distributed over 40,000 pounds of free organic food to the Rainier Beach neighborhood of Seattle and West Seattle communities; and cooked, packed, and distributed over 4,800 nutrient dense hot meals to families in those same communities.

The mission of Black Star Food Collective (BSFC) is to provide Black and Indigenous communities with access to opportunities and culturally empowering food grown by us for us. Our collective is dedicated to strengthening our communities through relationships rooted in cooperative economics.

Our motto is “We Feed Us.”

BSFC does this by connecting Black and Indigenous communities to the resources needed to buy food collectively and distribute it amongst themselves. Our communities are a collection of individuals, families, small businesses, and all underserved groups therein. Rather than defaulting to the mindset of taking in and taking care of everyone else [non-Black and Indigenous], BSFC is intentional about the building and strengthening of our communities as a primary focus.

We work to provide the communities we serve with access to wholesale distributors, Black and Indigenous farms, connection to boutique local businesses, unique farmland opportunities, and an incubator of small food business opportunities. We are rooting ourselves within our community with intentions of expanding to give our communities more collective control over the food system.

As we work towards offering year-round support to our communities, we rely on the time, commitment, and financial support of our greater community. We are serving families in the Rainier Beach neighborhood of Seattle and West Seattle as we build community around Seattle BIPOC Organic’s efforts to grow Afro-Indigenous food in Greenhouse #5 at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and open up a Afro-Indigenous led Food Coop.

To support this program with produce or dry goods please contact us at:

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