

Dharma Talk with Tara Mulay

The Role of Courage in Our Practice

The Role of Courage in Our Practice

Open Community Practice & Dharma Talk 

with Tara Mulay

Wednesday, January 6, 2021; 7:00-8:30pm

Practice together remotely with other sangha members in a relaxed online atmosphere (7:00) and enjoy a dharma talk (7:35).

Our teachers have historically received 60% of the dana given for dharma talks, but since the pandemic the dana given on dharma talk nights has dropped, so IPV has had to provide teachers with a minimum guaranteed amount. We still operate entirely on the sangha's acts of generosity. If you have the means, please consider a donation tonight. A donation could help us meet the minimum payment for the teacher and provide some support to the ongoing operations of the sangha as well.

You can give online or send checks to InsightPV, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027.

To give additional dana to the teacher by adding another donation and specifying in the comment box at the end that it go to the teacher. 

Zoom Link
Password: 242. 

Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242.

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