Patron and Ads for Atlanta GMWA 45th Annivesary
We Proclaim
Greetings Friends and Supporters
This past year has been filled will some ups and a lot of downs. Having to maneuver the Pandemic of a century has put us in a special place and not being to gather with you has come with some difficulty. We can’t wait to gather with you again and it is in our prayer that at some time in the New Year, we will be able to do just that.
Our Executive Board has decided to move forward with our Anniversary Activities for this year in both a Virtual Communion and Consecration Service and a Virtual 45th Anniversary Celebration. Along with the Virtual services, we will also produce a virtual Souvenir Journal to include ads and patrons as we do each year.
In celebration of our 45th Anniversary Celebration, The Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc., Atlanta Chapter will be promoting our second single from our Recording Project “Never Forget” of last year entitled, “We Proclaim”, written and lead by our own Min. Otis Byrd, Jr. To make this anniversary a great success, we need your support.
One of the highlights of our anniversary celebration each year is the anniversary program because it reflects the love and support that we receive from people like you throughout the year.
You pledge your support by either:
- Supporting the Member or Supporter indicated below
- Purchasing an ad to advertise your business
- Submitting your personal business card
- Becoming an Atlanta Chapter of GMWA patron
To make sure that all ads are included in the Anniversary/CD Release booklet, the deadline for purchasing and submitting ads and patrons is February 5, 2021. The prices for ads, business cards, and patrons are as follows:
Full page ad—$100.00
Half page ad—$50.00
Quarter page ad—$25.00
Business card—$15.00
Patron space—$5.00
As we attempt to carry out the dream of our founder, the late Rev. James Cleveland, the Atlanta Chapter is seriously busy doing things God’s way. We are operating under a clear purpose and vision. We are so happy to share this year with you as we present our Virtual Celebration on Saturday, February 27, 2021, 7:00 pm.
We look forward to your support. May the Lord bless you and keep you always.