

Support the Sleigh

Difference. Maker.

You've stepped up time and time again but now Stuff the Sleigh needs you now more than ever.

Because of the events of 2020, funds are now at a critical level, and we are in need of implementing our first-ever Stuff the Sleigh: Capital Campaign. Our goal is to reach monthly recurring donations that can help cover our administrative overhead AND our baseline annual charitable programs. Any dollar amount is welcome and appreciated so that we can continue enriching the lives of children suffering from cancer and hematological conditions and their families.

Won't you be a Difference. Maker. this year and create a legacy?


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(Your Donation(s) will end on

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Select an End Date for your Donation(s):

Please select an end date.

Select a Start Date for your Donation(s).

(Your Donation(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
Please select a start date.

Select a Start Date for your Donation(s).

Please select a start date.

Your first Donation will occur on

Please select the total number of Donations you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Donation will occur on

Please select the total number of Donations you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Donation will occur on

(Your Donation(s) will end after payments.)

Your first Donation will occur on

Please select an start date.

Please select the total number of Donations you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Donation will occur on .

Please select an end date.

Your first Donation will occur on .

Select a Start Date for your Donation(s).

(Your Donation(s) will end after payments.)

Donation will occur on

(Your Donation(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
Or enter your own amount:
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