Kheaven Sent Scholarship
The Kheaven Sent Scholarship Fund was created in memory of Kevin DeAnda, a 2001 Eldorado High School graduate who was autistic and had severe mental illness. His mother, Lori DeAnda, wanted to continue the pattern of kindness Kevin regularly showed others in his daily life. She founded KHeaven Sent to promote kindness in others and in the process created this scholarship to encourage autistic individuals to follow their dreams while empowering them to achieve their academic goals. The DeAnda family chose to collaborate with New Mexico Autism Society to help support and spread the word of this opportunity specifically for autistic individuals. Through this collaboration, we have been able to award college scholarships to three deserving students. All three recipients have done well in college. Our first recipient has already earned their degree with the other two recipients still actively pursuing their academic goals.
This scholarship has been made possible by many generous donors. But we need your support to continue helping educational dreams come true for our community . Please help us continue Kevin's legacy of kindness by making a tax deductible donation to the Kheaven Sent Scholarship fund today. If sending a check please indicate in the memo: Kheaven Sent Scholarship. Checks can be mailed to PO Box 30955 Albuquerque NM 87190