

GITC's Classroom Wishlist Campaign

Put Music into the Hands of Children with Every Gift!

Welcome to GITC's Classroom Wishlist Fundraising Campaign!

For decades, charities like ours have been telling you about students who are “at-risk” and “in need.” We’ve shared their stories and the troubles these students face every day and how music helps them to meet and overcome their challenges. But focusing our collective gaze on their hardships and difficulties without celebrating their strengths can place limits on their futures. Starting now, we are sharing new language that recognizes students’ hope, courage, strength and resilience! This change will help forge a new, positive pathway for Students at Promise to travel as they reach for their dreams and fulfill their true potential.

This year, please join us in embracing Students at Promise in all grades. You can provide the resources they need to learn to make music through your tax deductible gift to GITC! Your dollars will send ukuleles, guitars, percussion instruments and instruction into

their classrooms and homes until social isolation ends and everyone can make music in person again. Your impact will be immediate.

Your support will make everything possible for hundreds of deserving students: music, healing, connection, accelerated learning and unstoppable creativity. Please join us with your donation to pour energy, inspiration, instruction and instruments into their lives. When we do this together, the students will have reason to celebrate and a way to tell the world who they are and what they dream of accomplishing.

You can also choose to officially adopt a class level with a gift of any amount by designating the class level that matters most to you. We will keep you informed about your class level's progress with a peppy quarterly update. 

Getting the instruments out to kids takes an all-out effort that includes school pickups, GITC Porch Pickupssm and teachers delivering ukes to students whose families have trouble with transportation. One way or another, your gifts will go directly to the students and teens in our programs.

We hope you will choose an early childhood, elementary, middle or high school classroom to

adopt based on what matters most to you, personally. Each Title I classroom is led by a teacher who has already been voluntarily training with us for months. They can sing, play ukulele or guitar, write songs for learning, and lead musical activities, and now they need our support to supply students with instruments, too. They’ll also benefit from brief coaching visits by GITC teaching artists to help them hone their music implementation skills.

Each adopted classroom will receive instruments, musical supplies and instruction so every student can learn to play, and their teacher can lead the way - right away!

Whatever amount you give will help the grade level you designate. Your dollars go twice as far because manufacturers are giving deep discounts for subsidized instrument purchases by GITC teachers and schools. For example, if an instrument normally costs $90 in a music store, a GITC teacher or school administrator can acquire it for classroom use for about $45.

Your desire to make this world better is a gift in itself. To decide what you'd like to donate, please view the classroom wishlist below. Any gift you give will make a difference for a special student at promise!

Thank you for being a part of this caring community,


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Please select the total number of Donations you would like to make:

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(Your Donation(s) will end after payments.)

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Please select the total number of Donations you would like to make:

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(Your Donation(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
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Recent Activity

Name Melissa Bolthouse
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 11/24/22
Name Michael Berman
Activity Type Donation
Amount $250.00
Date 12/28/21
Name Terry Simpson
Activity Type Donation
Amount $30.00
Date 12/06/21
Message In honor of Jim Sullivan who loved playing and collecting guitars.
Name Charles Orgbon
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 11/29/21
Message This is honor of Haydon Osborne!
Name Ravi Talwar
Activity Type Donation
Amount $1,500.00
Date 11/28/21
Message In the memory of Haydon Osborne, a huge fan of this organization, Megan Osborne, Eleanor Talwar and Ravi Talwar

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