

Help Support Our Continued Growth

Together We Can Do More


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Contribute today to support our efforts to build our infrastructure and continue to support
our community of giving circles.

As we all know, every individual donation makes a difference. Yours matters this year more than ever!

The 100 Who Care Alliance is making strides to formalize it's daily operations and build its infrastructure. While that may not sound like an appealing fundraising task, with more than 750 actively operating affiliated giving circles, the time associated with supporting the network has expanded and requires full-time attention.

Our giving circle leaders have been integral to how 100 Who Care Alliance has reached this exciting milestone and we are now in a place to reach out to individuals, businesses and organizations outside our affiliated giving circles and ask to consider supporting the 100 Who Care Alliance so it can reach its next milestone. 

The 100 Who Care Alliance was formed in 2013 as an outgrowth of giving circle leaders, who modeled their group after 100 Women Who Care Jackson, coming together to collaborate and share best practices. At that time, there were just over 70 actively operating affiliated giving circles in existence.

What we had in common in 2013 is the same thing as now, the simplicity of the model and our impactful mission and purpose: simply stated - together we can do more. 

Over these past ten years, a small group of volunteers has championed the work to bring all of us together to exchange ideas, share best practices, facilitate on-going conversation, and to respond to specific questions and needs. This teamwork has resulted in our developing materials to help grow new giving circles, provide ongoing support to giving circle leaders, maintain a website and database, holding pop-up webinars, keeping abreast and sharing industry news, hosting conferences, and so much more including incorporating and obtaining a registered trademark on our name and marks. 

    This next year we intend to:

    • Expand our Zoom account capabilities to meet your virtual giving circle meetings (we've now hosted over 200 virtual giving circles on our Zoom account!)

    • Analyze our collective network giving patterns and research and secure potential partnerships with organizations that provide matching funds to affiliated giving circles. 

    • Research and share resources that assist you with the management of your giving circle, such as creating a 100 Who Care online giving platform


    • Develop and present best practice ongoing exchanges.


    • Plan the future 100 Who Care Conferences and continue to offer virtual delivery that will include seamless production, delivery, and quality content.


    • Continue to consult and mentor new giving circle start-ups.


    • Connect and share best practices with other leaders around the world through our monthly newsletter, Facebook and other social media.

    • Provide ongoing daily operations including marketing, communications, development, finance, legal, and technology.

    We ask that you consider supporting this work. Your tax-deductible contribution to 100 Who Care Alliance will have an impact!

    100 Who Care Alliance envisions a world of giving circles connecting and empowering people to impact their communities. The mission of 100 Who Care Alliance is to ignite and empower its giving circles to realize their full potential by providing information, education and peer support. We believe in the power of diverse, generous people coming together to collectively make a positive impact in their community.

    100 Who Care Alliance is fiscally sponsored by Social Good Fund, a 501(c)(3). Your donation is tax-deductible.