

Dharma Talk with Tara Mulay - July 28

Letting Go Into This Moment's Truth

with Tara Mulay

Wednesday, July 28, 2021; 7:00-8:30pm

Suggested donation: $7-25*

Practice together remotely with other sangha members in a relaxed online atmosphere (7:00) and enjoy a dharma talk (7:35).

Tara Mulay has practiced Insight Meditation since 2003. She has undertaken numerous intensive retreat practice periods in the United States and Myanmar. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock Meditation Center's Community Dharma Leaders Program and is currently participating in Insight Meditation Society’s 2017-2021 teacher training program. In 2016, she co-founded the San Francisco People of Color Insight Sangha. She remained a core teacher with the group until the spring of 2019, when she relocated to Western Massachusetts. Her root tradition stems from the teachings of Mahasi Sayadaw.

She has gratefully drawn influence from many other teachers within and outside of the Mahasi lineage, including Howard Cohn, Kamala Masters, Gil Fronsdal, Joseph Goldstein, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, and Ayya Anandabodhi. Tara practiced criminal defense law in California for over 20 years, and her dharma offerings often reflect a focus on daily life practice, including in the realms of work and livelihood. Tara is of South Asian (Indian) descent. She felt initially drawn to dharma practice upon encountering the Buddha’s teachings rejecting social caste as a measure of worth and of capacity for awakening. She believes classical Buddhist practices, designed to cultivate compassion, non-greed, non-hatred, and non-delusion, are uniquely potent vehicles for empowering people in marginalized communities and effecting social change.​​

*If you have the means, please consider a donation tonight. We operate entirely on the sangha's acts of generosity. Your donation will help us meet the minimum payment for the teacher and provide some support to the ongoing operations of the sangha as well. Everyone is welcome at all of our events, regardless of ability to donate. Therefore, those who donate more are helping to make the center accessible to all.


A note about dana for Wednesday night Dharma talks: Our teachers receive 60% of the dana given for Wednesday night Dharma talks, as they traditionally have. That said, since the pandemic, dana given for Dharma talks has decreased. As a result, IPV now provides teachers with a minimum guaranteed amount. If you wish to give additional dana solely to the teacher for this Dharma talk, there will be an opportunity later in the process below.

You can give online or send checks to InsightPV, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027. FYI: we check for mail once per week.

Zoom Link
Password: 242. 

Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242

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