

ERP’s strategy is conservation through poverty alleviation, but in the midst of the pandemic, there was no time for ‘strategy’. People in impoverished communities are simply hungry and needed to be fed, so ERP intervened tactically and delivered more than 1 million meals to communities we work with that live near at risk elephants and rhinos.  Have a look at the video below.

South Africa has just been struck by a third wave of the novel coronavirus and the inability of these communities to generate income due to lockdowns continues, and so does the hunger. We have a generous donor who offered to match donations of up to $100,000 so we can continue with our ERP Emergency Food Relief Program. We need your help to unlock these funds! Yes, for every $1 you donate we’ll be able to provide $2 worth of food, and ultimately providing for these communities we are conserving the wildlife. Please click on the button below to make a donation. 


Please note that Elephants, Rhinos & People is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, making your donation tax deductible. Upon donating you’ll immediately receive a certificate suitable for tax purposes.


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