I want to help!
As a Books Motivate Volunteer Program Associate you will facilitate community member interaction with Books Motivate programs. Volunteer opportunities available support virtual education and event programs:
- National Climate Student Essay Competition. As a Books Motivate Volunteer, you will be able to help creatively develop flyers, social media posts, and emails, in order to reach high school students and their science teachers for submissions of winning student climate essays from each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories for recognition by the scientific and policy community. The program also needs volunteers to assist with the planning of the 2021 Reception of Champions Awards event scheduled for Saturday, August 28, 2021.
- Green Initiative Youth Leadership After-School Program. As a Books Motivate Volunteer, you will be able to help creatively develop a new innovative program and/or environmental course curricula in order to reach and virtually mentor high school students who complete six weeks of online course instruction, and a sustainability individual, or group, project in their community.
- Books Motivate Advisory Youth Board Members. High school students are selected to serve as Books Motivate Advisory Youth Board Members to assist in the development of creative, interactive learning by collaborating with their peers in providing ideas for Books Motivate Foundation student programs development. Students review ongoing programs of Books Motivate Foundation via online conferencing to offer suggestions for improvements on environmental conservation curriculum, student awards, and encourage youth participation through volunteer outreach. The time commitment is two to four hours per month.
Volunteer Work Objectives
- Assist in creative development of innovative educational programs.
- Facilitate individual and group participation in Books Motivate programs.
- Assist in computer design and distribution of email and social media ads, brochures, posters, flyers, business cards and other products, services, and information for programs and public events.
- Make business-related and media contacts via telephone and email with potential donors, speakers, registrants, and potential registrants.
- Recommend, identify, and contact event speakers and potential registrants via telephone, email, standard mail, and social media/event venues.
- Attend scheduled meetings, events, and perform program and event-related tasks as needed by mutually agreed upon requests.
- People Skills
- Life Coach Mentoring
- Administrative and IT Support
- Teaching / Instruction
- Research
- Photography
- Publicity and Marketing Support
- Fundraising and Development
Requirements & Commitment
- Background Check
Books Motivate volunteer programs foster self-esteem, employment, business and career partnerships. Students are benefited with opportunities for community engagement, school and college retention by meeting graduation requirements. Community residents, parents, working and retired adults enjoy the high quality cultural programs that highlight their achievements while providing assistance very often to the next generation of community leaders.
We need volunteers to help with these efforts.
For further information, contact us by leaving a message below:
We hope that you will choose to be a Books Motivate Volunteer Program Associate…Contact us today!