

What Would the Buddha Say? - June 4, 2021

Practicing Skillful Speech


What Would the Buddha Say? Practicing Skillful Speech

with  Manny Mansbach

4 Fridays, June 4 - 25; 10:30am - 12:00pm ET

Suggested donation: $32-80 registration + teacher donation (we encourage you to consider teacher dana equal to or greater than the amount you gave for registration)

“It is spoken at the right time. It is spoken in truth. It is spoken affectionately. It is spoken beneficially. It is spoken with a mind of good-will.” -The Buddha 

From a foundation of loving awareness, this class aims to strengthen our capacity to attune to what is true for us in each moment, and to gain confidence in translating this knowing into skillful, compassionate speech and internalization of the core building blocks of skillful speech. 

We will utilize Assertive Nonviolence, a way of communicating grounded in empathy and respect for all beings that draws on the Buddha’s instructions for Wise Speech, the nonviolence teachings of Gandhi, Dr. King and others, as well as contemporary tools like Compassionate Communication, and Manny’s extensive experience as a couples therapist and group leader. Throughout, we will emphasize the primacy of caring sangha in nurturing Skillful Speech. 

“Words of love, tenderness, and kindness are urgently needed in a world saturated by so many unwise and divisive words. The realization of peace in our world, our communities, families, and relationships rest upon each of us learning to speak with wisdom.” -Christina Feldman

Manny Mansbach has been practicing and studying Insight Meditation since 1980. He is a graduate both of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Dedicated Practitioner Program and its Community Dharma Leader Program, and is the former Director of the Center for Somatic Psychotherapy in San Francisco. In recent years, Manny has spent many months in silent meditation retreats, and has practiced and been on pilgrimage in India, Tibet, Nepal, Burma and Thailand. In addition to studying with revered western Insight Meditation teachers, he has also been influenced by Dzogchen and the teachings of Adyashanti. Manny is committed to helping people remember and express their basic goodness, and to gain confidence in the beauty and power of the Buddha’s teachings of profound understanding and boundless kindness. One of his greatest interests is applying the Buddha’s Middle Way to the area of communication, integrating the core skill of nonviolent assertion and learning to speak from wisdom and with kindness. For Manny's website visit

*In keeping with the Buddhist tradition of dana (generosity), the suggested registration amounts for our classes and retreats do not include any payment for the teacher. The teachers are paid entirely out of the students' generosity. Please consider giving a donation to the teacher in order to support their ability to continue to share the dharma. We encourage you to consider teacher dana equal to or greater than the amount you gave for registration. You may give a donation at the time of registration and give later donations through our teacher dana link. Everyone is welcome to all of our events regardless of ability to donate.


You can give online or send checks to InsightPV, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027.