

Mentor$chip Pledge & Subscription

Where Mentors-chip in and Reward Student Scholar$chips

100% of your Mentor$chip Subscription will serve as pledge funds for the Scholar$chips that you create. A balance certificate will remain linked to your account and display the accumulated funds available for use during a newly curated Scholar$chip submission. Once a Mentor$chip Scholar$chip has been Pledged (funds appended and balance adjusted), it is then Submitted, Vetted, and Broadcast to student Seekers for discovery; at which point original funds will no longer be redeemable by you the issuer. This ensures that 100% of the opportunities shown available are fully funded and awardable scholarships. However, should you not be satisfied with our service in any way and wish to cancel your subscription, that request may be made at any time. 


Choose Your Subscription Frequency

Your first Subscription will occur on

(Your Subscription(s) will end on

Select Start Date for your Subscription(s):

Please select a start date.

Select an End Date for your Subscription(s):

Please select an end date.

Select a Start Date for your Subscription(s).

(Your Subscription(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
Please select a start date.

Select a Start Date for your Subscription(s).

Please select a start date.

Your first Subscription will occur on

Please select the total number of Subscriptions you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Subscription will occur on

Please select the total number of Subscriptions you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Subscription will occur on

(Your Subscription(s) will end after payments.)

Your first Subscription will occur on

Please select an start date.

Please select the total number of Subscriptions you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Subscription will occur on .

Please select an end date.

Your first Subscription will occur on .

Select a Start Date for your Subscription(s).

(Your Subscription(s) will end after payments.)

Subscription will occur on

(Your Subscription(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
Or enter your own amount:
Enter an amount:


Recent Activity

Name Wendell Britt
Activity Type Subscription(Recurring)
Amount $5.00
Date 07/23/24
Name Eyvonnia McCrary-Taylor
Activity Type Subscription(Recurring)
Amount $50.00
Date 07/04/24
Name Wendell Britt
Activity Type Subscription(Recurring)
Amount $5.00
Date 06/23/24
Name Wendell Britt
Activity Type Subscription(Recurring)
Amount $5.00
Date 05/23/24
Name Wendell Britt
Activity Type Subscription(Recurring)
Amount $5.00
Date 04/23/24

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