

Within Our Reach

October 6th-7th. Eugene, OR. #WOR2022

Nesika Wilamut is excited to invite you to join us for our Within Our Reach conference!

Save the date for the Within Our Reach Conference, which will take place October 6th-7th in Eugene, Oregon.

Nesika Wilamut is excited to host our first Within Our Reach Conference. As a network, our version will look a little different than when the Willamette River Initiative hosted it in years past. 

This year, our top priority is connecting, reconnecting, and networking. We will work together to foster connections between everyone who lives and works in the Willamette Valley.

We look forward to coming together as a network of people to discuss, celebrate, and improve the health of the Willamette River and the significance of the River in Oregon. Within Our Reach highlights the importance of listening to all voices in our conversation about the Willamette. 

Over the course of two days, we invite you to form deeper relationships with your colleagues, develop new friendships, and engage with the Willamette in a meaningful way. We will also hear keynotes, participate in breakout sessions, and recognize the contributions of leaders and activists.

Come and enjoy good company, eat good food, engage in various activities on the Willamette, and enjoy Eugene.

We'll convene at the University of Oregon's Erb Memorial Union.

Book Your Hotel Today!
Conference Hotel 2: Holiday Inn

We recommend walking or taking public transportation from the hotels to park for the conference. However, here is a map of metered parking around campus.

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